• Creation and imagination of custom connecting parts

ICREX's Sustainability

At ICREX Company Limited, through Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), We contribute to the development of sustainability.

Purpose / Initiative


The aim of ICREX's CSR activities is to contribute to the development of sustainability through the dissemination of our corporate philosophy "We will create useful value for society with creativity and contribute to a prosperous future."

About our Commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

In order to contribute to the development of sustainability (a sustainable society), it is the social responsibility (CSR) initiative of ICREX to continue, improve, and develop activities such as "sound management," "human rights," "labor practices," "the environment," "fair business practices," "customer issues," and "community involvement" through all of its business activities, giving consideration to all stakeholders.

Image of Purpose / Initiative

Sound Management

ICREX's initiatives for "sound management" is that management demonstrates its management philosophy to employees in order to realize the penetration of the corporate philosophy, and employees formulate, practice, and update their own code of conduct

Image of Sound management

Human Rights

ICREX's commitment to human rights is as follows

In all corporate activities, ICREX prohibits any discrimination or harassment, including race, nationality, creed, gender, social status, age, or physical disability.

We will respond to all surveys of minerals that could be a funding source of armed forces related to civil war and conflict that cause serious human right infringement (conflict mineral surveys).

We prohibit acts such as forced labor, bonded labor, slave labor, non-voluntary labor for prisoners, child labor, etc.

In labor-management relations, a contract between labor and management shall be concluded in accordance with an employment contract, employment regulations, etc., after sincere explanation and mutual satisfaction.

Image of Human rights

Labor Practices

As initiatives for safety, occupational health and safety, we define hazards and clarify risks.

Image of Labor practices

The Environment

In order to continue our environmentally friendly activities, ICREX has established a basic environmental philosophy and environmental policy.

To prevent accidents involving environmentally hazardous substances, we ensure that product materials and fixtures do not contain hazardous chemical substances.

Image of Environment

Fair Business Practices

The initiatives for ICREX's fair business practices are as follows.

We will faithfully comply with laws, regulations, and social norms.

We will conduct corporate activities in accordance with what is recognized as social rules.

We will cut off the relationship with antisocial forces and take a firm response.

Each and every one of us will act with a high sense of morality and ethics.

Information security measures are taken to protect information and intellectual property related to customers.

Image of Fair business practices

Customer Issues

We are constantly aware of the need to provide products that help customers solve their problems, and we will continue to conduct sales, development, and improvement.

We propose solution products to our customers based on the standard product lineup that ICREX has cultivated over the years.

Problem resolution case studies

Community Involvement

We will continue to promote initiatives that can contribute to the local community, starting with what we can do.

Image of Participation in the community

CSR activity report